National Archives and Records Administration The War Between the States was the first large and prolonged conflict recorded by photography. During the war, dozens of photographers, both as private individuals and as employees of the Confederate and Union Governments, photographed civilians and civilian activities; military personnel, equipment, and activities; and the locations and aftermaths of battles. Because wet-plate collodion negatives required from 5 to 20 seconds exposure, there are no action photographs of the war. The name Mathew B. Brady is almost a synonym for Civil War photography. Although Brady himself actually may have taken only a few photographs of the war, he employed many of the other well-known photographers before and during the war. Alexander Gardner and James F. Gibson at different times managed Brady's Washington studio. Timothy O'Sullivan, James Gardner, and Egbert Guy Fox were also employed by Brady during the conflict. The pictures listed in this publication are in the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Most are part of the Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111, and Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, Record Group 165. The records include photographs from the Matthew B. Brady collection, purchased for $27,840 by the War Department in 1874 and 1875, photographs from the Quartermaster's Department of the Corps of Engineers, and photographs private citizens donated to the War Department. These collections were once part of the War Department Library and have been cataloged and published as "List of the Photographs and Photographic Negatives Relating to the War for the Union" (War Department Subject Catalogue No. 5, 1897; 219 p.), filmed as National Archives Microfilm Publication T251. Photographs included in this leaflet have been listed under one of four main headings: activities, places, portraits, and Lincoln's assassination. Items in the first two parts are arranged under subheadings by date, with undated items at the end of each subheading. Photographs of artworks have also been included in the list. Any item not identified as an artwork is a photograph. Names of photographers or artists and dates of items have been given when available, and an index to photographers follows the list. At the end of this leaflet, there are instructions for ordering photographs. Many photographs of the Civil War held by the National Archives are not listed in this leaflet. Separate inquiries about other Civil War photography should be as specific as possible listing names, places, events, and other details. Sandra Nickles and Joe D. Thomas did the research, selection, and arrangement for this list and wrote these introductory remarks. Army Life 1. Log hut company kitchen, 1864. 111-B-252 2. Soldiers at rest after drill, Petersburg, Va., 1864. The soldiers are seated reading letters and papers and playing cards. 111-B-220. 3. A regimental fife-and-drum corps. 111-B-328. 4. Winter quarters; soldiers in front of their wooden hut, "Pine Cottage." 111-B-256. 5. Engineers of the 8th New York State Militia in front of a tent, 1861. Ill-B-499. 6. The 26th U.S. Colored Volunteer Infantry on parade, Camp William Penn, Pa., 1865. 165-C-692. 7. The 21st Michigan Infantry, a company of Sherman's veterans. 111-B-671. 8. Ringgold, Ga., battery at drill. 111-B-363. 9. Army blacksmith and forge, Antietam, Md., September 1862. 200-CC-587. 10. Dismounted parade of the 7th New York Cavalry in camp, 1862. Some mounted troops are in the background. 111-B-502. 11. Federal cavalry column along the Rappahannock River, Va., 1862. 111-B-508. Civilians 12. A black family entering Union lines with a loaded cart. 200-CC-657. 13. A refugee family leaving a war area with belongings loaded on a cart. 200-CC-306. 14. Black laborers on a wharf, James River, Va. 111-B-400. Communications and Intelligence 15. Allan Pinkerton, chief of McClellan's secret service, with his men near Cumberland Landing, Va., May 14, 1862. (Pinkerton is smoking a pipe.) Photographed by George N. Barnard and James F. Gibson. 90-CM-385. 16. Federal observation balloon Intrepid being inflated. Battle of Fair Oaks, Va., May 1862. 111-B-680. 17. Scouts and guides for the Army of the Potomac, Berlin, Md., October 1862. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-28. 18. Constructing telegraph lines, April 1864. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 165-SB-62. 19. Signal Tower at Cobb's Hill, near New Market, Va., 1864. 165-C-571. 20. A New York Herald Tribune wagon and reporters in the field. 111-B-5393. Councils 21. President Lincoln visiting the battlefield at Antietam, Md., October 3, 1862. General McClellan and 15 members of his staff are in the group. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-23. 22. Gen. George Thomas and a group of officers at a council of war near Ringgold, Ga., May 5, 1864. 77-HMS-344-2P. 23. Council of war near Massaponax Church, Va., May 21, 1864. General Grant is looking over General Meade's shoulder at a map Meade holds. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 200-CC-730. Engineering 24. Pontoon bridge at Bull Run, Va., 1862. 111-B-68. 25. Federal engineers bridging the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, March 1864. 77-F-147-2-6. 26. Digging the Dutch Gap Canal on the James River, Va., 1864. 111-B-2006. 27. The four-tiered, 780-foot-long railroad trestle bridge built by Federal engineers at Whiteside, Tenn., 1864. A guard camp is also shown. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 111-B-482. 28. Pontoon bridge across the James River at Richmond, Va., 1865. 165-C-568. Foreign Observers 29. Diplomats at the foot of an unidentified waterfall, New York State, August 1863. Left to right: unidentified; State Department messenger Donaldson; unidentified; Count Alexander de Bodisco; Count Edward Piper, Swedish Minister; Joseph Bertinatti, Italian Minister; Luis Molina, Nicaraguan Minister (seated); Rudolph Mathias Schleiden, Hanseatic Minister; Henri Mercier, French Minister; William H. Seward, Secretary of State (seated); Lord Richard Lyons, British Minister; Baron Edward de Stoeckel, Russian Minister (seated); and Sheffield, British attache. 59-DA-43. (civil_war_029.jpg) 30. A group of foreign observers with Maj. Gen. George Stoneman at Falmouth, Va. 1863. 90-CM-47.(civil_war_030.jpg) 31. Crew of the Russian frigate Osliaba docked at Alexandria, Va., 1863. 64-CV-210. (civil_war_031.jpg) Generals in the Field 32. Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant standing by a tree in front of a tent, Cold Harbor, Va., June 1864. 111-B-36. 33. Maj. Gen. George G. Meade standing in front of his tent, June 1864. 111-B-16. 34. Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan and his generals in front of Sheridan's tent, 1864. Left to right: Wesley Merritt, David McM.Gregg, Sheridan, Henry E. Davies (standing), James H. Wilson, and Alfred Torbert. 111-B-9. 35. Wounded soldiers being tended in the field after the Battle of Chancellorsville near Fredericksburg, Va., May 2, 1863. 111-B-349. 36. Amputation being performed in a hospital tent, Gettysburg, July 1863. 79-T-2265. 37. Ambulance drill of the 57th New York Infantry, 1864. 111-B-50. 38. Ward in the Carver General Hospital, Washington, D.C. 111-B-173. 39. "Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, Supported Gratuitously by the Citizens of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." The picture includes a view of the outside and three small views of the inside. Lithograph by W. Boell, 1861. 15-M-40. (civil_war_039.jpg) 40. Chaplain conducting mass for the 69th New York State Militia encamped at Fort Corcoran, Washington, D.C., 1861. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady. 165-C-100. (civil_war_040.jpg) 41. Members of the Christian Commission at their field headquarters near Germantown, Md., September 1863. Photographed by James Gardner. 165-SB-53. (civil_war_041.jpg) 42. Religious services on the deck of the U.S. monitor Passaic, 1864. Stereo photograph by Samuel A. Cooley. 165-S-165. (civil_war_042.jpg) 43. U.S. Sanitary Commission building and flag, Richmond, Va., 1865. 111-B-147. (civil_war_043.jpg) Navies 44. Battle between the C.S.S. Virginia and the U.S.S. Monitor, Hampton Roads, Va., March 9, 1862. Engraved in 1863 by J. Davies from a drawing by C. Parsons. 64-CC-63. 45. U.S.S. St. Louis, first Eads ironclad gunboat, renamed the Baron de Kalb in October 1862. 165-C-630. 46. "Men Wanted for the Navy!" Federal recruiting poster issued at New Berne, N.C., November 1863. 45-X-10. 47. Confederate ram Atlanta after being captured on the James River, Va., 1863. 111-B-3351. 48. C.S.S. Alabama, commerce raider, sunk June 19, 1864. Artwork by Clary Ray. 19-N-13042. 49. Ruins of the navy yard at Norfolk, Va., December 1864. Photographed by James Gardner. 165-SB-18 50. U.S.S. Commodore Perry, a ferryboat converted into a gunboat, Pamunkey River, Va., 1864. 111-B-411. 51. Gun crew of a Dahlgren gun at drill aboard the U.S. gunboat Mendota, 1864. 111-B-374. 52. Sailors and marines on the deck of the U.S. gunboat Mendota, 1864. 111-B-129. 53. U.S.S. Onondaga, a double-turreted monitor, on the James River, Va., 1864. 111-B-368. 54. Capt. John A. Winslow (3d from left) and officers on board the U.S.S. Kearsarge after sinking the C.S.S. Alabama, 1864. 111-B-448. 55. A Union station on the James River established for extracting gunpowder from Confederate torpedoes, 1864. Photographed by Egbert Guy Fox. 111-B-434. 56. Confederate torpedo boat David aground at Charleston, S.C., 1865. Photographed by Selmar Rush Seibert. 165-C-751. 57. C.S.S. Manassas, armored ram. Artwork by R. G. Skerrett, 1904. 19-N-13004. 58. Columbiad guns of the Confederate water battery at Warrington, Fla. (entrance to Pensacola Bay), February 1861. Photographed by W. 0. Edwards or J. D. Edwards of New Orleans, La. 77-HL-99-1. 59. Confederate "Quaker" guns-logs mounted to deceive Union forces-in the fortifications at Centreville, Va., March 1862. Photographed by George N. Barnard and James F. Gibson. 165-SB-6. 60. The 13-inch mortar "Dictator" mounted on a railroad flatcar before Petersburg, Va., October 1864. Photographed by David Knox. 165-SB-75. 61. Confederate Napoleon gun used in the defense of Atlanta, 1864. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 111-B-4738. 62. A 200-pound Parrott rifle in Fort Gregg on Morris Island, S.C., 1865. Photographed by Samuel A. Cooley. 165-S-128. 63. Confederate torpedoes, shot, and shells in front of the arsenal, Charleston, S.C., 1865. Photographed by Selmar Rush Seibert. 165-C-796. 64. A 15-inch Rodman gun in Battery Rodgers, Alexandria, Va. 111-B-353. 65. Two photographers having lunch in the Bull Run area before the second battle, 1862. 90-CM-42. 66. Mathew B. Brady under fire with a battery before Petersburg, Va., June 21, 1864. Brady, in the foreground, is wearing a straw hat. 111-B-346. 67. Brady's photographic outfit in the field near Petersburg, Va., 1864. 111-B-5077. 68. Barnard's photographic equipment, southeast of Atlanta, Ga., 1864. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 111-B-4753. 69. Confederate prisoners captured in the Shenandoah Valley being guarded in a Union camp, May 1862. 111-B-497. 70. Three Confederate prisoners from the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863. 200-CC-2288. 71. Baseball game between Union prisoners at Salisbury, N.C., 1863. Lithograph of a drawing by Maj. Otto Boetticher. 111-BA-1952. 72. Issuing rations. Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. Photographed by A. J. Riddle. 165-A-445. 73. Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., April 1865. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-89. 74. Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. 111-B-2292. 75. Commissary Department, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Brandy Station, Va., February 1864. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 165-SB-61. 76. Burying the dead at Fredericksburg, Va., after the Wilderness Campaign, May 1864. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 111-B-4817. 77. Landing supplies at the wharf at City Point, Va., 1864. 111-B-152. 78. Men of the Quartermaster's Department building transport steamers on the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, 1864. 165-C-1068. Railroads 79. Excavating for a "Y" at Devereux Station on the orange and Alexandria Railroad. Brig. Gen. Hermann Haupt, Chief of Construction and Transportation, U.S. Military Railroads, is standing on the bank supervising the work. The "General Haupt," the engine pulling the train in the photograph, was named in Haupt's honor. Photographed by Capt. Andrew J. Russell. 111-B-4877. 80. Station at Hanover Junction, Pa., showing an engine and cars. In November 1863 Lincoln had to change trains at this point to dedicate the Gettysburg Battlefield. 111-B- 83. 81. U.S. Military Railroads engine "General Haupt," built in 1863. 111-B-5149. 82. Ruins of the Confederate enginehouse at Atlanta, Ga., September 1864, showing the engines "Telegraph" and "O.A. Bull." 111-B-4748. 83. Ruins of Hood's 28-car ammunition train and the Schofield Rolling Mill, near Atlanta, Ga., September 1864. Photographed by George N. Barnard, 111-B-4786. 84. Depot of the U.S. Military Railroads, City Point, Va., 1864, showing the engine "President." 111-B-4860. 85. U.S. Military Railroads engine No.137, built in l864 in the yards at Chattanooga, Tenn., with troops lined up in the background. 111-B-2005. 86. The engine "Firefly" on a trestle of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. 111-B-185. Battle Areas 87. Fort Sumter, S.C., April 14, 1861, under the Confederate flag. 121-BA-914A. 88. Ruins of Stone Bridge, Bull Run, Va., March 1862. Photographed by George N. Barnard and James F. Gibson. 165-SB-7. 89. Confederate fortifications, Manassas, Va., March 1862. Photographed by George N. Barnard and James F. Gibson. 165-SB-11. 90. "General Headquarters near Yorktown, Va., April 1862." Watercolor by William Mcllvaine. 200-WM-8. 91. Main street and church guarded by Union soldiers, Centreville, Va., May 1862. Photographed by George N. Barnard and James F. Gibson. 165-SB-4. 92. "Battle of Gaines Mill, Valley of the Chickahominy, Virginia, June 27, 1862." Artwork by Prince de Joinville. 111-BA-1507. 93. Antietam Bridge, Md., September 1862. Soldiers and wagons are crossing the bridge. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-19. 94. Street scene, Warrenton, Va., ca. 1862. 111-B-5236. 95. Fredericksburg, Va., February 1863. View from across the Rappahannock River. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 165-SB-30. 96. Confederate dead behind the stone wall of Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg, Va., killed during the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1863. Photographed by Capt. Andrew J. Russell. 111-B-514. 97. Fairfax Court House, Virginia, with Union soldiers in front and on the roof, June 1863. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 111-B-4755. 98. Dead Confederate sharpshooter in the Devil's Den, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1863. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-41. 99. Union and Confederate dead, Gettysburg Battlefield, Pa., July 1863. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 165-SB-36. 100. Lee and Gordon's Mills. Chickamauga Battlefield, Ga., 1863. 111-B-4791. 101. General Meade's headquarters. Culpeper, Va., 1863. 64-CV-182. 102. Capt. Edmund C. Bainbridge's Battery A, 1st U.S. Artillery, at the seige of Port Hudson, La., 1863. 165-CN-12545. 103. Palisades and chevaux-de-frise in front of the Potter House, Atlanta, Ga., 1864. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 111-B-726. 104. Peachtree Street with wagon traffic, Atlanta, Ga., 1864. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 165-SC-46. 105. Street scene showing Sutlers Row, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1864. 111-B-512. 106. Fort Morgan, Mobile Point, Ala., 1864, showing damage to the south side of the fort. 77-F-82-70. 107. Union entrenchments near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., 1864. 111-B-531. 108. Nashville, Tenn., view from the capitol, 1864. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 165-SC-3. 109. The "Pulpit" after capture, Fort Fisher, N.C., January 1865. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 165-SB-79. 110. Harpers Ferry, W Va., July 1865. High-angle view showing the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. Photographed by James Gardner. 165-SB-26. 111. McLean house where General Lee surrendered. Appomattox Court House, Va., April 1865. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. 165-SB-99. 112. Ruins seen from the Circular Church, Charleston, S.C., 1865. 111-B-4667. 113. Ruins seen from the capitol, Columbia, S.C., 1865. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 165-SC-53. 114. Fort Sumter, S.C., viewed from a sandbar in Charleston Harbor, 1865. Photographed by George N. Barnard. 165-SC-56. 115. Soldiers in the trenches before battle, Petersburg, Va., 1865. 111-B-157. (The Petersburg identification appearing in the official caption for this photograph received by NARA from the Army Signal Corps has been disputed. Civil War historians and photo-historians have uncovered documentary evidence suggesting that this image of Union forces was taken by Andrew J. Russell just before the Second Battle of Fredericksburg in the spring of 1863. For more information please see the item description located in the Archival Research Catalog (ARC). The ARC Identifier is 524576.) 116. High-angle view toward the capitol, 1862. 111-B-35. 117. Ruins in front of the Capitol, 1865. 111-B-562. 118. Silhouette of ruins of Haxall's mills, 1865, showing some of the destruction caused by a Confederate attempt to burn Richmond. 111-B-137. 119. The "White House of the Confederacy," Jefferson Davis' home. 111-B-53. 120. The U.S. Capitol under construction, 1860. 111-BA-1480. (civil_war_120.jpg) 121. Fort Massachusetts, sally port and soldiers, 1861. The fort was renamed Fort Stevens in 1863. 111-B-479. (civil_war_121.jpg) 122. General view of 96th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment during drill at Camp Northumberland, with the camp in the background, 1861. 111-B-487. (civil_war_122.jpg) 123. Barricades on Duke Street, Alexandria, Va., erected to protect the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Confederate cavalry, 1861. 111-B-523. (civil_war_123.jpg) 124. Slave pen of Price, Birch, & Co., Alexandria, Va., August 1863. Photographed by William R. Pywell. 165-SB-2. (civil_war_124.jpg) 125. East front of Arlington Mansion (General Lee's home), with Union soldiers on the lawn, June 28, 1864. 165-C-518. (civil_war_125.jpg) 126. Grand review of Union troops, May 23-24, 1865, looking down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol. Artwork by James E. Taylor, July 1, 1881. 111-BA-69. 127. General view of the city from the south toward the Treasury Building and the White House. Cows are grazing near Tiber Creek. 111-B-5147. 128. Smithsonian Institution Building in a field of daisies. 111-B-4672. Abolitionists 129. Brown, John; bust-length. Engraving from daguerreotype, ca. 1856. 111-SC-101021. 130. Douglass, Frederick; half-length. 200-FL-22. 131. Garrison, William Lloyd; three-quarter-length, seated. 111-BA-1088. 132. Greeley, Horace; half-length, seated. 111-B-3251. 133. Brady, Mathew B., photographer; full-length seated. 111- B-1074. 134. Brumidi, Constantino, artist who painted murals and frescoes in the Capitol; three-quarter-length, standing, holding brush and palette. 111-B-3791. 135. Bryant, William Cullen, poet and editor of the New York Evening Post; full-length, seated. 111-B-2764. 136. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin; half-length. 208-N-25004. 137. Whitman, Walt, poet; half-length, seated, wearing hat. 111-B-1672. 138. Beauregard, Gen. Pierre; half-length. 111-B-1233. 139. Breckenridge, Lt. Gen. John C.; bust-length. 111-BA-1215. 140. Gordon, Maj. Gen. John B.; half-length. 111-B-1786. 141. Hill, Lt. Gen. Ambrose P.; bust-length. 111-BA-1190. 142. Hood, Gen. John B.; bust-length, in civilian clothes. 111-B-5274. 143. Jackson, Lt. Gen. Thomas Jonathan ("Stonewall"); bust-length, April 1863. Photographed by George W Minnes. 111-B-1867. 144. Johnston, Gen. Joseph E.; half-length. 111-B-1782. 145. Lee, Gen. Robert E.; full-length, standing, April 1865. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady. 111-B-1564. 146. Longstreet, Lt. Gen. James; half-length, in civilian clothes. 111-B-2028. 147. Mahone, Maj. Gen. William; half-length, seated. 111-B-5123. 148. Mosby, Col. John Singleton; bust-length. 111-BA-1709. 149. Stuart, Brig. Gen. James Ewell Brown ("Jeb"); three-quarter-length, seated. 64-M-9. 150. Benjamin, Judah P., Secretary of State; three- quarter-length, standing. 111-B-2458. 151. Davis, Jefferson, President; three-quarter-length, standing. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady before the war. 111-B-4146. 152. Mallory, Stephen R., Secretary of the Navy; three- quarter-length, standing. 111-B-4583. 153. Stephens, Alexander H., Vice President; three- quarter-length, seated. 111-B-4141. 154. Mason, James M., Envoy to England; three quarter-length, standing. 111-B-5]63. 155. Seddon, James A., Secretary of War; half-length, seated. 111-BA-1224. 156. Arnold, D. W. C., private in the Union Army. 111-B-5435. 157. Kingin, Pvt. Emory Eugene, 4th Michigan Infantry; standing, full-length, leaning against a tree and wearing a plaid shirt. 111-B-5348. 158. Marbury, Gilbert A., drummer, Company H, 22d New York Infantry; posing with drum. 111-B-5497. 159. Ruffin, Pvt. Edmund, Confederate soldier who fired the first shot against Fort Sumter; full-length, seated. 111-BA-1226. 160. Anderson, Maj. Robert, defender of Fort Sumter; full-length, standing. 111-B-4183. 161. Burnside, Maj. Gen. Ambrose E.; half-length. 111-B-3698. 162. Butler, Maj. Gen. Benjamin F.; three-quarterlength. 111-B-4533. 163. Custer, Maj. Gen. George A.; half-length, seated. 20OS-CA-10. 164. Grant, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S.; three-quarter-length, standing. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady. 200-CA-38. 165. Halleck, Maj. Gen. Henry W. ("Old Brains"); three- quarter-length, standing. 111-B-2541. 166. Hancock, Maj. Gen. Winfield S.; half-length. 111-B-5265. 167. Hooker, Maj. Gen. Joseph ("Fighting Joe"); full-length, seated. 111-B-2775. 168. McClellan, Maj. Gen. George B.; three-quarter-length, standing. 111-B-4624. 169. McDowell, Maj. Gen. Irvin; three-quarter-length, standing. 111-B-3834. 170. Meade, Maj. Gen. George G.; half-length, standing. 111-B-3685. 171. Pope, Brig. Gen. John; half-length. 111-B-3569. 172. Rawlins, Brig. Gen. John A.; half-length, seated. 111-B-4435. 173. Rosecrans, Maj. Gen. William S.; half-length, 111-B-3646. (civil_war_173.jpg) 174. Scott, Lt. Gen. Winfield ("Old Fuss and Feathers"); half-length, standing. 111-B-4188.(civil_war_174.jpg) 175. Sheridan, Maj. Gen. Philip H.; three-quarter-length, seated. 111-B-2520. (civil_war_175.jpg) 176. Sherman, Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh; half-length, seated. 111-B-1769. (civil_war_176.jpg) 177. Thomas, Maj. Gen. George H.; half-length. 111-B-4795. (civil_war_177.jpg) 178. Dahlgren, Rear Adm. John A. B.; half-length. 111-B-4595. (civil_war_178.jpg) 179. Farragut, Rear Adm. David G.; three-quarter-length. 111-B-5889. (civil_war_179.jpg) 180. Foote, Rear Adm. Andrew H.; three-quarter-length, standing. 111-B-3860. (civil_war_180.jpg) 181. Porter, Rear Adm. David D.; half-length, seated. 111-B-4480. (civil_war_181.jpg) 182. Bruce, Sir Frederick, British Minister to the United States from March 1865; half-length, seated. ll-B-1510. 183. Lyons, Lord Richard B.P., British Minister to the United States from December 1858 to February 1865; full-length, seated. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady. 165-JT-185. 184. Romero, Senior Don Matias. Envoy of the Republic of Mexico, 1863; three-quarter-length, standing. 111-B-1228. 185. Chase, Salmon P., Secretary of the Treasury; three- quarter-length, standing. 111-B-4270.(civil_war_185.jpg) 186. Douglas, Stephen A., Senator from Illinois; three- quarter-length, standing. 111-B-2346.(civil_war_186.jpg) 187. Johnson, Andrew, Vice President and President; three-quarter-length, seated. 111-B-4138.(civil_war_187.jpg) 188. Lincoln, Abraham; three-quarter-length, standing, ca. 1863. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady 111-B-3656. (civil_war_188.jpg) 189. Seward, William H., Secretary of State; bust profile. 111-B-4204. (civil_war_189.jpg) 190. Stanton, Edwin M., Secretary of War; half-length, seated. 111-B-4559. (civil_war_190.jpg) 191. Stevens, Thaddeus. Representative from Pennsylvania; half-length. 111-B-1084. (civil_war_191.jpg) 192. Sumner, Charles, Senator from Massachusetts; half-length, seated. 111-B-5937. 193. Welles, Gideon, Secretary of the Navy; half-length, seated. 111-B-1189. Women 194. Barton, Clara; three-quarter-length, seated. 111-B-1857. 195. Joseph, Sister M.M. of the Sisters of Mercy. She and others of her order served in a military hospital at Beaufort, N.C.; full-length, seated. 111-B-1609. 196. Lincoln, Mary Todd; full-length, standing. 111-B-5864. 197. Tippee, Mary, sutler with Collis Zouaves (114th Pennsylvania); full-length, standing. 79-T-2148. 198. Booth, John Wilkes; half-length, standing. 64-M-19. 199. Corbett, Sgt. Boston, the man who claimed he shot John Wilkes Booth; three-quarter-length, seated at a table. 111-B-2321. 200. Payne, Lewis, the conspirator who attacked Secretary Seward; three-quarter-length, standing. 111-BA-1653. 201. Execution of the four persons condemned as conspirators (Mary E. Surratt, Lewis T. Powell, David E. Herold, and George A. Atzerodt), July 7,1865. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 111-BA-2034. 202. Box in Ford's Theater where Lincoln was assassinated. 1865, 200-CC-3404. 203. Bridge across the "Eastern Branch" to Anacostia, Washington, D.C., 1862. John Wilkes Booth and David Herold escaped over this bridge. 111-B-343. Barnard, George N., 15, 27, 59, 61, 68, 83, 88, 89, 91, 103, 104, 108, 113, 114 Individual Photographs
Washington, DC 20408
Engineers of the 8th N.Y. State Militia, 1861. No. Ill-B-499. Cropped from Select List # 5.
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Army Units
Photographers and Their Equipment
Prisoners and Prisons
Quartermaster and CommissaryPlaces
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D.C., and EnvironsPortraits
Artists and Authors
Confederate Army Officers
Confederate Officials
Enlisted Men
Federal Army Officers
Federal Navy Officers
Foreign Diplomats
U.S. Government OfficialsLincoln's Assassination
Index to Photographers
Brady, Mathew B., 40, 145, 151, 164, 183, 188
Cooley, Samuel A., 42, 62
Edwards, J. D., 58
Edwards, W O., 58
Fox, Egbert Guy, 55
Gardner, Alexander, 17, 21, 73, 93, 98, 201
Gardner, James, 41, 49, 110
Gibson, James F, 15, 59, 88, 89, 91
Knox, David, 60
Minnes, George W., 143
O'Sullivan, Timothy H., 18, 23, 75, 76, 95, 97, 99, 109, 111
Pywell, William R., 124
Riddle, A. J., 72
Russell, Capt. Andrew J., 79, 96
Seibert, Selmar Rush, 56, 63How to Order
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Pictures of the Civil War
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